Elaine writes:
I will direct my answer to raisins and dried fruit. They are extremely fibrous. The whole food, before it is dried, has the same amount of fiber but consists by weight of almost all water. Therefore, the tendency is usually to eat a limited amount of the whole fruit. However, when the fruit, for example, grapes, is dried into a raisin, you are nibbling away and consuming pure fiber plus vitamins and minerals, and the tendency is to eat more. All that fiber supports certain bacteria. As well, it is more apt not to be churned in the stomach content and to mix with pancreatic digestive enzymes in the small intestine. This is because all of the moisture was removed.
If you are new to the SCD, your personal experiences are worth more than anything I can say. Early in the diet, none of us can eat dried fruit to any great extent. As you follow the introductory diet for a a few days and gradually add foods, keeping a record and monitoring yourself as only you can do, then you will be able to introduce a few raisins, etc. as you see how your body handles them.
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Information published on this website is intended to support the book Breaking The Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall. It is for information purposes only. It is not the intention of this site to diagnose, prescribe, or replace medical care. Your doctor or nutrition expert should be consulted before undertaking a change of diet. Specific Carbohydrate Diet™, SCD™, Breaking the Vicious Cycle™ are trademarks owned by Kirkton Press Inc.