What kind of milk to use for SCD yogurt?
The richer the milk, i.e. the more butterfat or milk fat it contains, the less tart and the thicker the yogurt will be. You can add cream, and many make SCD yogurt with half milk to half cream. Cream and milk before fermentation are illegal as they contain lactose. Cream contains less lactose than milk, and the more fat it contains the less lactose it has. Because cream has more fat than milk it contains less lactose. Ensure the milk or cream you use has no additives such as milk solids, carrageenan, xanthum gum, dextrose, emulsifiers or sweeteners. Ready-made yogurt mixes of milk powders and yogurt starter are not to used on the SCD as some of them have too high a concentration of additional milk solids, which have been added by the manufacturer.
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Information published on this website is intended to support the book Breaking The Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall. It is for information purposes only. It is not the intention of this site to diagnose, prescribe, or replace medical care. Your doctor or nutrition expert should be consulted before undertaking a change of diet. Specific Carbohydrate Diet™, SCD™, Breaking the Vicious Cycle™ are trademarks owned by Kirkton Press Inc.