The internet is both friend and foe to those on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet™ (SCD). Friend, thanks to the support and information it offers; foe because it is so important to exercise care and, even, skepticism when researching the SCD online.
The internet abounds with food products and even versions of the diet claiming to be SCD legal, compliant or improved. Be very, very critical about what you read. Without talking directly to the original manufacturer, it is impossible to know if these foods are completely free of starches, sugars or grains at every step of the process or, even if they once were, if the ingredients might someday change.
As for diets purporting to be “like SCD” or “based on SCD”, they may include foods or supplements that are not permitted on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and, therefore, could interfere with healing. Our advice is simple: there is only one Specific Carbohydrate Diet as written in the book, “Breaking the Vicious Cycle Intestinal Health through Diet.”
It is a standard and common practice of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet to make your own foods and drinks from scratch to be assured that all ingredients meet the legally allowed foods/fluids on the diet. Websites which offer prepared SCD foods MUST be used with caution. Fruit bars, candy bars, juice extracts, etc. are rarely 100% SCD legal. Often it is impossible to find out what the manufacturers of these products are doing. Also, methods and formulas can be changed without notice. It is best to prepare all foods at home.
The strictness of this diet cannot be overemphasized nor should the difficulty of adhering to it be minimized. Faithful observance requires vigilance on the part of those taking care of an individual or on the part of the person who cooks for himself or herself. Strict adherence is important as to not seriously delay recovery.
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Information published on this website is intended to support the book Breaking The Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall. It is for information purposes only. It is not the intention of this site to diagnose, prescribe, or replace medical care. Your doctor or nutrition expert should be consulted before undertaking a change of diet. Specific Carbohydrate Diet™, SCD™, Breaking the Vicious Cycle™ are trademarks owned by Kirkton Press Inc.